Friday, July 12, 2013

♥Freebers By G o S H !♥

Hey ya'll...I know it's been a minute or so since I've posted.  Imma be back in it just had to sort some things :) I'm offering a couple of freebers today if you're interested...

I love Harley Quinn...She's awesome...I am offering two brand new Harley Quinn gestures in the Freeber board for a limited time.  So hop on over to the store and pick 'em up.

I have also put up a bunch of new gestures! YAY!!!  Most of them are from songs, and I have a few to the Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines...I LOVE THIS SONG lol...

OK well this is gonna be short and sweet till next time.  Ya'll know what to do

Love ya, Mean it...

G o S H ! Gestures ~ Mainstore