Guess who's back? *grin*
Finally, I learned how to make some Bento Poses...So here is the first. I can only expect it to get better and easier from here on out. I've also made some strides in learning to create mesh for SL too YAY ME!!! Again, I know this is just small fry stuff to you...That's ok! :P
My very first Bento Pose:
I Like Big Blunts :o)
G α΄ S H !
G o o d O l e S o u t h e r n H o s p i t a l i t y
I like big blunts and I cannot lie!! That was the inspiration for this PhotoScene. I hope you enjoy ♥
Purchase this item on Marketplace: <a href="" rel="nofollow">I Like Big Blunts @ MP</a>
Items Included:
PhotoScene RezBox
Items in PhotoScene RezBox:
I Like Big Blunts - All Things Shown Here:
Window Seat (incl, All items on the seat; dog, cat, cellphone, magazine, cookies)
Plain Backdrop
Blunt to wear
One Pose -
Sitting with legs crossed licking a blunt...
The hands I used for this pose are the
Maitreya Bento
Gizza - Dolores - Nautical Blue
Cae - Balanced
Necklace: Wolf Moon Necklace (From My Sapphyyy)
Heels -
#EMPIRE - Cyclamen
Moon - Melpomene
Catwa - Catya - Bento Head
League - Ella - Sunkiss
I used the tongue out animation that came with my head.
Entire Scene is included.
Rez the Rez Box & Touch it to Rez the PhotoScene.
You can either have it temporarily or permanently. If you choose permanently, Click the Save button or follow the instructions like Rezzing a house.. (IM Me if you have further questions)
Please feel free to add your own props and poses to it... I'm anxious to see what ya'll come up with!
Check my blog for more info!
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Gosh Blog</a>
❤Anastasia Bergbahn - Aka The GoshLady! Aka Red Dirt Girl!
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