Saturday, September 2, 2017

**TWO New Releases** Bento Poses @ gosh!

*Channels her inner Sloth* HEY YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just returned from a 4,000 mile roadtrip. It was so much fun!  Now that I'm back, I put myself right back to work and I'm releasing A Couples Bento Photoscene & Single Bento Pose --

My first release was a suggested pose made by my Sissy and Best Friend Sapphire Harley!(I really dunno what I'd do without her).  So I aptly named it:  Sapphyfy Me!  It's a couples BENTO pose set & photoscene.

The next new release is a Single BENTO Pose - Am I Supergirl? It comes with the poseball and the animation for your own huds, and also a stylecard:

I'm not sayin' I'm Supergirl, but you've never seen Supergirl and Me in the same room at the same time...

I can also make custom poses!!!  IM Me In-World!

Love ya, Mean it! 

πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡­πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡±πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡Έ: 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Hey hey hey!! I've just finished another Bento Photoscene... I am loving making these so much.  Once I get back from my roadtrip, I will work on marketing and all that good stuff, but for now I'm just working on getting the poses, props & scenes made.  Until I can make my own mesh stuff, I've been gathering full-perm items all around the grid...I try to put good quality props in the photoscenes as well, and all the textures are made by me, minus some of the backdrops...I'll be lookin' for people that will be interested in blogging the poses I make, so holler at me please if you're interested.  Any tips you have to offer would be greatly appreciated too!!

Ok so how about that new photoscene?

Summery Funnery - Bento Couples Poses, Photoscene & Props...

You will get everything you see here ⏬⏬

I've just put this up on Marketplace. A new store is in the thoughts once I get back also!  If you'd like to buy it just go

I've put it in a rezfeaux box so that you can either rez it temporarily or permanently.  I hope that ya'll enjoy this as much as I did making it.  Also included are the instructions, and a style card for both avatars.  

I can also make custom Bento Poses & Scenes, so gimme a shout or a notecard detailing what you'd like done.  And I dunno if I've told ya'l lately, but ya'll are pretty fantastic ♥♥

Shameless PlugsπŸ”Œ
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<3Ana@G o s h !

Saturday, August 5, 2017

**Newness** gosh! BENTO Couples Poses & Photoscene - We So Gangsta!

So I've released my very first couples BENTO pose/scene.  Yayyy!!!  I'm so freakin' excited. Right now I'm working mainly on getting items made and finished.  Once I get back from my roadtrip I'll really buckle down with marketing and stuff...but until then....YAYYYY I CAN MAKE BENTO POSES!!!

Introducing:  We So Gangsta

Included is a style card for both the girl & the fella :o)

How about some shameless plugs then

As always, any questions or concerns, holler at me! 

Love ya, Mean it...
Ana! @ gosh!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

**Newness** gosh! Bento PhotoScene - Konichiwa Bitches

Ok ya'll...I'm really lovin' this pose makin' thing.  I'd dabbled with it back in Nov2016 when I made my first poses and I'm makin' bento poses :o)  I've still got a lot to learn, but I'm headed in a good direction I think!

My newest release @ gosh! - Bento Photoscene - Konichiwa Bitches

Available on Marketplace!
See This Item On Marketplace!

Included: RezBox to rez the scene, either temporarily or permanently, Props A Pipe & A Parasol, Pose in a poseball, and the animation to add to your hud.

I'm also eager to do some custom poses so message me in world!  Anastasia Bergbahn :o)

Now for some shameless plugs:

πŸ’œAnastasia @ gosh!

Friday, July 28, 2017

***NEWNESS** gosh! PhotoScene - Sexy Back

                           G ᴏ S H !
  G o o d O l e S o u t h e r n H o s p i t a l i t y

gosh! Sexy Back PhotoScene 

Items Included:  PhotoScene, Props, & Pose

Comes in a rezfeaux box so you can either rez it temporarily or permanently!

Instructions and Stylecard too!

--**NEW** gosh! Sexy Back PhotoScene--

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

-- ***NEW*** gosh! Go Ahead, Punk Bento Pose + Prop --

I've released my newest Bento Pose & Prop on Marketplace!  I'm very excited to be making Bento Poses, Props & Photoscenes.  I'm bringing you now one Badass Bitch Pose - Go Ahead, Punk.  No one will mess with you pretty 'lil lady with that .357 Python in your hand...

Why did love put a gun in my hand? ~ Dorothy (AKA My Future Wife)

The Mesh .357 Python is included..
Click here to get this pose & prop on Marketplace.

I've just learned how to make Bento Poses, so I'm confidant I'll just get better and better at them!!!

Follow me @ Flickr
Join gosh! on Flickr

Any questions or concerns please IM me In-World :o)  Anastasia Bergbahn

♥Love ya, Mean it

Saturday, July 22, 2017

**NEW** gosh! Photoscene - I Like Big Blunts

Guess who's back?  *grin*

Finally, I learned how to make some Bento Poses...So here is the first.  I can only expect it to get better and easier from here on out.  I've also made some strides in learning to create mesh for SL too YAY ME!!!  Again, I know this is just small fry stuff to you...That's ok! :P

My very first Bento Pose:
I Like Big Blunts :o)

                           G ᴏ S H !
  G o o d O l e S o u t h e r n H o s p i t a l i t y

I like big blunts and I cannot lie!!  That was the inspiration for this PhotoScene.  I hope you enjoy ♥

Purchase this item on Marketplace: <a href="" rel="nofollow">I Like Big Blunts @ MP</a>

Items Included:
PhotoScene RezBox

Items in PhotoScene RezBox:
I Like Big Blunts - All Things Shown Here:

Window Seat (incl, All items on the seat; dog, cat, cellphone, magazine, cookies)
Plain Backdrop
Blunt to wear

 One Pose -
 Sitting with legs crossed licking a blunt...

The hands I used for this pose are the Maitreya Bento
Outfit: Gizza - Dolores - Nautical Blue
Earrings: Cae - Balanced
Necklace: Wolf Moon Necklace (From My Sapphyyy)
Heels - #EMPIRE - Cyclamen
Hair: Moon - Melpomene
Head: Catwa - Catya - Bento Head
Skin: League - Ella - Sunkiss
Chinchilla: Jian

I used the tongue out animation that came with my head.

Entire Scene is included.

Rez the Rez Box & Touch it to Rez the PhotoScene.
You can either have it temporarily or permanently.  If you choose permanently, Click the Save button or follow the instructions like Rezzing a house.. (IM Me if you have further questions)

Please feel free to add your own props and poses to it... I'm anxious to see what ya'll come up with!

Check my blog for more info!
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Gosh Blog</a>

❤Anastasia Bergbahn - Aka The GoshLady! Aka Red Dirt Girl!

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<a href="">goshsl</a>

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<a href="" rel="nofollow">gosh! @ FB</a>

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